Saturday, May 14, 2011

PSN problems won't effect SSF4:AE release!

Good news for the Arcade Edition!

Someone on the Capcom Unity Boards asked if the problems with PSN will affect the release date of the game. The senior vice president of capcom responded quickly:

If the network is up at that time, I'm not expecting a delay. Thankfully, we've been ahead of the curve a little bit. If it were down to the wire, as it usually is, we might have had some difficulty.



  1. thank god, at least they didnt ruin everythin

  2. I don't mean to be a cynic - but with the scale of what's just happened with the PSN - I'm a little reluctant to believe Capcom here

  3. This doesn't really affect me, but if Sony stocks drop to 26 I may consider investing.

  4. PSN has failed i already bought my Xbox 360

  5. Im thinking about buying SF 4 for pc and i know that game pad will be usefull but i want to ask it is possible to play well (on hard or in multiplayer) just by keyboard?

  6. Some people are able to play really good on a keyboard, but in the beginning some motions will be hard and awkward. With some time in training room you'll get used to it though.

    (But don't expect beating major tournaments with a keyboard :p)

  7. Good, good. This is good news.

  8. Don't own a product related to psn...hope its the end of that though, have a lot of friends on the psn network

  9. Good! Now I hope PSN comes back soon.

  10. Now i am glad i didn't buy this yet..

  11. That's good news. I'm excited for this new version of Super Street Fighter 4.

  12. it went all around the world and i dont think u can rescue them anymore the reputation is gone...

  13. SSF4 has always had one hell of a following, I don't think that news actually deterred the game's target audience, but i guess it might've been unsettling to those that are just starting to jump on the franchise.

  14. In the UK sales of the PS have been badly affected, people will forget eventually but at the moment they aint happy.

  15. its good that this bug will not affect the release...hopefully that everything will still go smooth. It would suck if something else bad happens

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  16. good news, even though i think i'll play my xbox360 more in the future.
